37.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Agenda: New bathrooms proposed for Verutti Park in SJB

The San Juan Bautista Planning Commission is set to meet Tuesday and will consider new restrooms for Verutti Park, among other items.

The bathroom proposal is on the agenda for the 6 p.m. meeting at San Juan Bautista City Hall, 311 Second St.

The following are action items and discussion items on that agenda:

Action Items

  1. Approve Affidavit of Posting Agenda
  2. Consider placement of a decorative rock located at Luck Park at the corner of Monterey Street and Third Street by the San Juan Bautista Historical Society and approve a resolution.
  3. Consider a new awning, signage and decorative paint on the Inaka Japanese Restaurant at 313 Third St. and approve a resolution. The applicant is Steve Io.
  4. Consider placement of a kiosk between 313 and 319 Third Street and approve a resolution. The applicant is Halina Kleinsmith of the San Juan Bautista Strategic Plan Committee.
  5. Consider and recommend to City Council the La Casa Rosa Engineer and Construction Proposal to move forward under abatement
  6. Consider the proposed design and construction of new restrooms at Verutti Park at the corner of Second Street and San Jose Street and approve a resolution. This item is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Sections 15300.2 and 15301.
  7. Consider recommending to City Council the hiring of EMC Planning Group to assist the City with the updating of the Housing Element as required by State Law.

Discussion Items

  1. Report from Planner on current and upcoming projects
  2. Social Media Policy Refresher

