37.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Agenda: LAFCO to review annexation of Chappell Road development

The Local Agency Formation Commission panel is set to review an annexation for a new subdivision southwest of the Highway 25 bypass and east of Chappell Road.

The project calls for annexation of 34 acres and expansion of the City of Hollister sphere of influence by 102 acres, and it could lead to hundreds of new homes in the area. The proposal is also located north of Santa Ana Road.

LAFCO, made up of elected officials from San Benito County and Hollister, largely makes decisions on annexation of land from the county into the city. The panel will review environmental issues related to the proposal for the Chappell Road project and make a determination on the annexation and sphere of influence.

The total number of units proposed is unclear, but the city prezoning laws would allow up to 259 homes in the annexation area and additional homes in the expanded sphere of influence.

The LAFCO panel will also look at the dissolution of inactive special districts in the county.

To read the full agenda with details on the Chappell Road project, go here.

