The Hollister School District Board of Trustees is set to meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the district office, 2690 Cienega Road, to consider the following:
Report on instructional coaching
The Board will hear a Report on Instructional Coaching in Hollister School District.
Increase scope of work at new Santana Ranch School
The board will consider increasing the scope of work based on prior recommendations of items needed in the project such as built-in cabinets/storage in each classroom, a vehicle deterrent wall on the western side of the school site along the storm water retention basin, and bus shade shelter, according to the agenda.
Opening of negotiations with teachers union
The current collective bargaining agreement between the Hollister School District and the local teachers’ union expires on June 30. The board will discuss the union’s proposals for a new CBA that will begin on July 1.
Teacher recruitment program
According to the agenda: The Master Agreement between the Hollister School District and Foreign Cultural Exchange Consultants (FCEC) for Teacher Exchange Program Recruitment and Placement will allow our District to fill anticipated vacancies, in the 2019-2020 school year, in Special Education. The anticipated vacancies are based upon student enrollment, program needs and/or possible teacher resignations and/or retirements. To help provide academic consistency for our students during the 2019-2020 school year, we will work with FCEC to seek international qualified candidates and interview them as soon as possible.

Low-performing students’ block grant program
According to the agenda: The Low Performing Student Block Grant Plan (LPSBG) provides funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) serving students identified as low-performing on state English language arts or math assessments. These students are not otherwise identified for supplemental grant funding under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), or eligible for special education services. The Hollister School District has been awarded $401,133 for implementation beginning in 2019 and through 2021. Funds are designated to address the persistent achievement gap in California’s public schools, and to provide resources and evidence-based practices to create authentic systemic change.