Hollister planning commissioners next week will consider an approvals on proposals for the multi-use project on the 400 block of San Benito Street, parking rules for RVs and boats, and the new Denny’s Restaurant.
The planning commission will hold the special meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St.
On the agenda, the commission will consider the following:
400 block project
Del Curto Brothers and Community Foundation are going before the commission for the consideration of having the city hand over Briggs Alley as part of the property transaction. Del Curto Brothers is looking to build six commercial units on the first floor and 22 condos on the second and third floors for its portion of the project, while the foundation is looking to build its Philanthropic Center building on the other portion. Also on the agenda, the commission will consider Del Curto Brothers’ tentative map and conditional use permit. The conditional use permit includes a density bonus.
Denny’s Restaurant
The applicant is requesting site and architectural approval for the construction of a 4,331 square-foot Denny’s Restaurant on a 0.81 acre site. The project is located at Highway 25 and Tres Pinos Road.
RV and Boat Parking
The City of Hollister Planning Commission shall determine whether to recommend to the City Council amendments to the Hollister Municipal Code for private property related to parking and storage of recreational vehicles prohibited.
The following is the entire agenda summary released by the city:
Minor Subdivision No. 2019-1, Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-14 for a Planned Unit Development, and Tentative Map No. 2019-1 – Del Curto Brothers Construction and Community Foundation for San Benito County – The applicant is requesting a Minor Subdivision to abandon the section of Briggs Alley located between the property identified as APN 054-110-036 to the north and APN 054-110-016 and 054-110-030 to the south and dedicating half of the width and length of the alley to the northern property and the other half of the alley to the southern property. The applicant is also requesting Tentative Map Approval and a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development to make into condominiums a three story mixed use building with six (6) commercial/retail units on the first floor, eleven (11) residential units on the second floor, and eleven (11) residential units on the third floor as approved by Planning Commission Resolution No. 2018-39 on September 27, 2018 for Site & Architectural Review Application No. 2018- 18. The Conditional Use Permit will also include a residential density bonus pursuant to Section 17.04.070 Article II Density Bonus of the Hollister Municipal Code. The properties are located within the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) Zoning District at 365 San Benito Street, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel Number 054-110- 036, 054-110-016, and 054-110-030. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
Site & Architectural Review No. 2018-19 – Jose Rodriguez – The applicant is requesting Site & Architectural approval to construct a 10,000 SF industrial warehouse on 6.57 acres located at 120 Fallon Road, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel 051- 120-019. This parcel is located in the Light Industrial (M1) Zoning District, north of Fallon Road and east of Technology Parkway. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
Site & Architectural Review No. 2019-3, Conditional Use Permit No. 2019-1 – Mark Trillo – The applicant is requesting Site and Architectural approval to convert an existing non-conforming commercial single-story block building into two, new, Below-Market- Rate affordable residential units on a 7,826 SF lot. There is an existing residence on the property which will also be an affordable unit. The applicant is also requesting the approval of a conditional use permit to approve a variation in the minimum dimension requirement for private and common open space. The project is located at 169 East Street in the R4 High Density Residential Zoning District, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel Number 054-230-023. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
Site and Architectural Review No. 2019-1 – RSI Group, Inc. / Nina Raey – The applicant is requesting Site and Architectural approval for the construction of a 4,331 SF Denny’s Restaurant on a 0.81 acre site. The project is located within the General Commercial (GC) Zoning District at Highway 25 and Tres Pinos Road, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel Number 056-250-070. CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Site & Architectural Review No. 2018-14 – Geary Coats/Coats Consulting – The applicant is requesting Site & Architectural approval to construct a 2,400 SF commercial building, located 773 San Felipe Road, further identified a San Benito County Assessor Parcel Number 051-100-310. This parcel is located in the North Gateway (NG) Zoning District, east of San Felipe Road and south of McCloskey Road. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
Extension Tentative Map No. 2016-2 – Bob Kutz – The applicant is requesting the planning commission’s approval of a Tentative Map extension. On May 4, 2016 the City of Hollister Planning Commission approved Tentative Map 2016-2 for a major subdivision (total of 19 units) with 1 detention basin lot encompassing approximately 4.34 acres in the R1-L/PZ Low Density Residential Performance Overlay Zoning District. On March 22, 2018 the Planning Commission approved a one-year extension of the Tentative Map which expires on May 4, 2019. The project site is located south of Hillcrest Road and east of El Cerro Drive (APN 060-090-007 & 060-090-006). CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Planning Commission Bylaws Ordinance – City of Hollister – At the January 22, 2019 City Council meeting, the City Council adopted new bylaws for the Planning Commission. The changes reflected that the term of office of the Planning Commission members be the same as the term of office of their appointing Council Member. Staff is requesting additional changes to Chapter 2.20 Planning Commission of the Hollister Municipal Code to reflect the changes made to the Planning Commission Bylaws. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
RV & Boats Ordinance – City of Hollister – The City of Hollister Planning Commission shall determine whether to recommend to the City Council amendments to the Hollister Municipal Code Section 10.10.030 Private property – Parking and storage of recreational vehicles prohibited. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
City council members in January heard a presentation on the city ordinance regulating parking of boats and RVs, and gave direction to Assistant Planner Ambur Cameron.
The two big points of discussion Tuesday were a current law limiting boats and RVs to park in the driveway for 14 cumulative days per year, and potentially changing the driveway rule to eventually allow parking with certain restrictions.
Council members also seemed OK with the idea of changing one other rule that currently requires boats and RVs to be fully enclosed when stored in the rear or side yard.