The Hollister Planning Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday at Hollister City Hall to consider the following:
1. Minor Subdivision No. 2018-3 and Site & Architectural Review No. 2018-7 – Alan Brookshire – The applicant is requesting approval of a site and architectural review application and minor subdivision to subdivide a 0.1015 acre (4,422 sq. ft.) lot into four (4) residential lots in the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) Zoning District of the City of Hollister. The project is located at 221 Hawkins Street south of Hawkins Street, between San Benito Street to the west and East Street to the east, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel Number 056-061-002 in the Downtown Commercial Mixed Use (DMU) Zoning District which requires a residential density of 25 to 40 dwelling units per net acre. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
2. Tentative Map No. 2018- 3 & Conditional Use Permit No. 2018-3 for a Planned Unit Development – Hugh Bikle – The applicant is requesting approval of a tentative map and a conditional use permit for a planned unit development to subdivide a 4.27 acre parcel into 49 single-family residential lots at 180 North Chappell Road, south of Primavera Drive, west of Chappell Road, north of Maple Street, and east of Lorene Drive, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel Number 019-340-002. A tentative map and planned unit development were approved by the Planning Commission on October 22, 2015 for the property. However, the applicant did not obtain a final map approval within the two year requirement and the approval expired on October 22, 2017. Therefore, the applicant is requesting new entitlements for the subdivision that was previously approved. CEQA: Categorically Exempt.
3. Site & Architectural Review No. 2018-8 – Robert Enz – The applicant is requesting approval of a Site and Architectural Review Application for the construction of a two (2) story, 15,000 square foot shell building with an airplane hangar at 1691 Airway Drive, further identified as San Benito County Assessor Parcel number 053-420-005 in the Airport Support (AS) Zoning District. The building would be designed to accommodate typical light industrial uses and offices with possible aircraft storage, maintenance, or assembly in the future or any combination thereof. CEQA: Previously approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for Air Park Business Center.
OLD BUSINESS: City Manager Bill Avera will present on possible amendments to Condition 56 of PC Resolution 2018-16 approving Tentative Map No. 2018-1 to allow the applicant, Stewart Fahmy, to pursue methods of developing the project that would allow for the continued satisfaction of this Condition (See Attached memo, Planning Commission Resolution No. PC 2018-16, and approved tentative map).