36.5 F
San Benito
March 13, 2025

Agenda: Hollister council to get updates on rally, growth control

Hollister City Council members Monday will consider an update on prospects for a 2020 motorcycle rally, a growth management ordinance that would limit the number of housing units built annually, formalizing the legalization of adult-use cannabis and other items.

Hollister City Council members will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St., to consider the following:

Encampment removal

The Council will consider a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Service Agreement with ServiceMaster Restoration Services to provide Encampment Removal and other hazardous debris/material cleanup.

City manager recruitment

The Council will consider a Resolution to approve an appropriation of $25,000 and a Professional Services Agreement with CPS HR Consulting to conduct Executive Recruitment for City Manager.

Funding for United Way help line

The City Council will consider a Resolution to approve funding for two (2) years in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for United Way 2-1-1 of San Benito County.

New water meters           

The city will consider an appropriation of $220,413 to purchase 500 water meters.

Purchase of radar speed signs

This Resolution will appropriate $60,839 for the purchase of 20 additional radar/speed limit signs to be installed throughout the City.

Waste collection rate increase           

A Proposition 218 notice was sent to all property owners on April 24 to inform them of the proposed solid waste collection rates. At the time of the writing of this staff report 127 protests have been received. The resolution would increase solid waste collection rates effective July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.

Formal cannabis ordinance approval               

The City Council will consider repealing Ordinance 1149 and adopting a new Ordinance governing cannabis businesses within the City of Hollister. The new Ordinance considers the removal of the term “medical” throughout and is proposing to permit adult use retail sales and other minor changes.

New growth cap ordinance       

The City Council will receive a report to consider a new Growth Management Ordinance for the City of Hollister. The new growth cap would be a 1.5 percent rate and would exempt affordable units from the equation.

Public access on financial activity

The Administrative Services Division will present to City Council and public with Citizen Transparency. Citizen Transparency will provide our community the ability to access our financial activity.

Allocation of VLF funds                   

This discussion will be on whether to restrict the property tax in lieu of vehicle license fee (VLF) revenues for Streets or continue to use the funds as part of the General Fund budget.

Motorcycle rally update

The City Council will receive a status report on the 2020 Rally contract discussions. Staff will be requesting direction on a few key points related to timing of any cancellation by any party, payment due dates, and ultimate contract amount.

Senior center update

The City Council will receive an oral report from Executive Director Pauline Valdivia on the status of the Jovenes de Antano programs and services.

Reduce new hotel incentive

Staff recommends that the City Council receives the report and return with a Resolution amending the program to do the following: 1) Consider reducing the incentive Cap for Quality Service Hotels from $2,000,000 to $1,000,000; and 2) direct staff to develop a micro- incentive program for existing smaller scale hotels.

Whale Park upgrades

This Resolution will create a CIP project budgeted at $500,000 from the Valley View Park development funds to upgrade the water feature, prepare for the expansion and add additional landscaping.

Read the full agenda here.

