Hollister council members on Tuesday will consider authorizing the city to enter into negotiations with a promoter to oversee another revived motorcycle rally event for 2020.
The council is set to meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St.
Hollister council members canceled the sanctioned rally after the 2017 downtown event, which commemorates the city’s history and the 1947 “invasion” of bikers into the town. The city could not come to terms with the promoter for a 2018 event, so it was canceled. The council Tuesday is considering whether to re-enter into negotiations with the most recent promoter of the event, Randy Burke from Roadshows, Inc., for a multi-year contract to promote the Hollister independence Motorcycle Rally starting next year.
There appears to be consensus that it’s too late to put on a sanctioned biker rally in July of this year.
In other items on the agenda, the council will consider:
Authorization to ‘overhire’ in police department
Establishing a Policy to Overhire in the Police Department with Limitations. According to the agenda:
The Hollister Police Department often has police officer vacancies in the department due to various factors. To replace or fill those vacancies can often take several months or up to a year depending on the level of candidate selected. Staff is requesting that the police chief is hereby authorized to “overhire” in certain situations.

Police equipment purchases
This would OK the Hollister Police Department to purchase WatchGuard Servers, equipment and software for the police department. According to the agenda: This resolution will authorize money to the Hollister Police Department for the purchase of a replacement server, body camera docking station, software and related equipment and pay for it with existing savings from the current budget.
400 block agreement
The city will consider whether to execute a License and Right of Entry Agreement for the 400 Block Condominiums Project. According to the agenda: This resolution authorizes the City Manager to execute a parking license agreement for use of the Briggs Building Parking Structure for the 400 Block Condominium Project as agreed to in the Disposition and Development Agreement for the sale of the property between the City and Del Curto Brothers Construction.
Records retention software purchase
ECS Imaging, Inc. for Laserfiche Avante Software in the amount of $21,277.00 with an annual maintenance of $7,840. According to the agenda, it is for records retention and annual maintenance.
Add extra council meeting each month
This ordinance would change the number of Hollister City Council regular meetings from two meetings a month to three regular meetings to be held on the first, third and fourth Mondays of each month.
Medical cannabis permit
The council will consider conditionally approving a cannabis use permit/development agreement for Higher Level of Care to operate a medical cannabis dispensary at 1802 Shelton Drive.
LAFCO role review
The council will receive an oral report from the Local Agency Formation Commission Executive Director Bill Nicholson on the agency’s roles and responsibilities.
Library, parks ad hoc committee
The Hollister City Council directed staff to place an item on the agenda that would create an Ad Hoc Committee to work on regional projects or joint projects with the County of San Benito related to the county park along the San Benito River and the concept of a TEL Center.
Flavored tobacco ad hoc committee
On Feb. 4, the council discussed possible flavored tobacco restrictions. The council will consider appointing two members to an Ad Hoc Committee to review and recommend to the entire council amendments as necessary.
Campaign finance reform
On Feb. 4, council consensus was given to place on the next agenda the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee for Campaign Finance Reform.