The San Benito County Board of Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the San Benito County Administration Building, 481 Fourth St., to consider the following:
The board will consider proclamations recognizing Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Day on April 13, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week April 7-13 and National Library Week April 7-13.
Softball agreement for Vet’s Park
The board will consider a sublease agreement between the City of Hollister and the Hollister Black Jacks Corporation and Central Coast Athletics for use of the small softball field at Veterans Memorial Park.
Increased cost for census count
The board will consider approving a budget adjustment increasing appropriations by $10,000 and increasing revenue by $37,125 for Census 2020 Hard to Count areas. According to the agenda, San Benito County is among participating California counties to opt in to state funding for “Hard To Count” area. The outreach strategy will focus on both geographic areas and demographic populations that are “least likely to respond”. These areas and populations are commonly referred to as “hard-to-count” areas. These are the individuals that are least likely to respond. The state has allocated $75,000 to San Benito County. The board approved a resolution on Jan. 15 and delegated authority to the CAO to opt in to the state funding. County staff anticipates receiving $37,125 in fiscal year 18/19 and the remaining $37,875 in fiscal years 19/20 and 20/21.
Mail ballot in Pacheco Pass Water District
The board will consider requesting authorization for the clerk to render election services to the Pacheco Pass Water District for a Landowner Mail Ballot Election for seats that expire.
SBHS Carnival at Vet’s Park
According to the agenda: In May of each year, the San Benito High School District hosts the annual Carnival. The Carnival has historically occurred at the football stadium parking lot. The proceeds from tickets purchased in advance have historically supported San Benito High school student activities and athletics. The Carnival is normally held at the High School parking lot, but cannot be held there this year because of the construction activities. In the interest of public safety, San Benito High School Superintendent Shawn Tennenbaum has requested that the venue at the Veterans Memorial Park. The proposed dates and times are May 10-12.
New lease for farmworker housing
San Benito County has leased out this facility for many years for the purpose of providing farm labor housing for unaccompanied adults. The San Benito County Farm Labor Association has been the only lessor of the 3239 Southside Road facility. This is a request for a new lease for the property with the FLA. The proposed new lease is for an initial term of three years with an automatic renewal for four successive three-year terms, until Dec. 31, 2033.
Additions to final map for Santana Ranch development
In October of 2010, the board adopted the Santana Ranch Specific Plan, which consists of the development of a residential, mixed-used project consisting of a maximum of 1,092 residential units. Santana Ranch was conditionally approved by the Planning Commission on April 17, 2013. Due to the scale of the project, it will be done in multiple phases. The developer is seeking to record Unit 10 (37 lots). With this Unit 10 recording, the total lot count being created and recorded is 407 lots.
John Smith Road repairs
The board will consider moving forward with the John Smith Rd overlay project through an Invitation for Bids process. According to the agenda, the board would authorize the CAO to approve the scope of work for the project not exceed $375,000; approve budget adjustment increasing appropriation in the amount of $375,000 for the transfer of fund balance from Integrated Waste Management to the Road Fund and $375,000 for increased appropriations in the Road Fund for expenditures related to the overlay project. John Smith Road has received a Pavement Condition Index rating of “Poor.”
Hemp growing moratorium
The board will consider adoption of an interim ordinance as an urgency measure to establish a temporary moratorium on the cultivation of industrial hemp within the unincorporated areas of San Benito County, according to the agenda. San Benito County’s current ordinance regulating commercial cannabis activities and cannabis businesses does not address industrial hemp, which is defined differently under federal and state law, according to the agenda.
SB-1 Road Projects
The board will receive a report on the status of the SB-1-funded road projects and provide direction to staff, and then adopt a resolution to establish project list for 2019-20.

Challenges on recyclable exports
According to the agenda: It is recommended that the San Benito County Board of Supervisors approve CSAC’s resolution to support a statewide commission to develop comprehensive solutions to the recently imposed restrictions placed on recyclables shipped to foreign markets. The commission would be comprised of state, local and industry representatives to develop solutions to declining markets for recyclables while continuing to emphasize diversion of materials from landfills. California exports about a third of the recyclable material it collects to foreign markets for processing and re-manufacturing. Recent strict contamination limits and import bans imposed by China have led to declining markets for recyclables. Local governments are required to meet recycling laws that include AB 939 (Integrated Waste Management Act) and require jurisdictions to divert 50% of solid waste from landfill.
Increase contract amounts needing supes’ OK
Currently, the County Administrative Officer has purchasing authority to $10,000. Purchases more than $10,000 must be brought before the Board for approval, resulting in additional staff time and delays in contracting for services and supplies, even when the contracts are relatively small contracts, or are small incremental changes to a previously approved Board contract. The below ideas could streamline the purchasing process. The Board is requested to provide direction as to whether to draft a proposed ordinance presenting the following changes. The board is being asked several questions that include: “Should the County increase the Purchasing Authority of the County Administrative Officer from 10,000 to the amount of $50,000, and increase the authority of Department Heads to $10,000?”