31.9 F
San Benito
March 16, 2025

Agenda: County board to review ambulance contract, 2020 census

San Benito County supervisors are scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the County Administration Building, 481 Fourth St.

On the agenda are the following, among other items:

• Election of board chairman for 2019

• Receive and approve committee assignments from the newly elected board chairman

• Present certificate to Mary Lou Andrade for her 35 years of service in the Treasurer/Tax Collector’s Office and to Rita Campbell for her 27 years of service in the Probation Department

• Approve appointments to commissions that include: Robert Eggers to the Planning Commission, Robert Scagliotti to the Fish & Game Commission, Paul Hain to the Parks & Recreation Commission, Sandy Swint to the Parks & Recreation Commission, Robert Gibson to the Planning Commission, Eddy Navarro to the San Benito County Planning Commission

• Review the annual impact fee report

• Delegate authority to the CAO to negotiate and execute a contract for jail financing

• Approve amendment to increase rates from American Medical Response by 3 percent

• Approve a new ambulance service ordinance

• Receive report on the 2020 census and opt in to receive state funding for “hard to count reach” areas. According to the agenda: The California Legislature has appropriated $90.3 million to fund activities related to the 2020 Census. The Complete Count Committee, which is spearheading the state 2020 Census outreach strategy, is making $26.5 million available to participating California counties to conduct outreach and assistance, $75,000 is available to San Benito County.

For the full agenda and detailed reports with items, go here.

