37.7 F
San Benito
March 15, 2025

Agenda: County board considers Recology contract

San Benito County supervisors will meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. at the San Benito county Administration Building to consider the following:

• Receive information on the 2018 Saddle Horse Show and Rodeo June 22-24 at Bolado Park

• Approve proclamation recognizing the 25th annual Kids At the Park Health and Safety Fair on June 20

• Certificate of Recognition for Shelby O’Neil, a San Juan Bautista resident and 17-year-old San Benito High student who convinced two major companies, Dignity Health and Alaska Airlines, to ban single-use plastic straws

• Approve HHS staff member to travel out of state to attend the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging conference in Chicago

• Approve contract with Nolte Associates to extend the Anzar Road Bridge replacement project from June 2018 to June 2019 and with Bengal Engineering on the Hospital Road Bridge project for the same period

• Extend contract with Stericycle Environmental Solutions for hazardous waste services to June 2021 and provide additional compensation not to exceed $282,000 for a total contract not to exceed $557,000

• Contract amendment with Lewis Engineering on the John Smith Landfill from June 2018 to June 2019

• Adopt plans and specs for the Lovers Lane Road reconstruction

• Agreement with Santa Clara County for pathology services for July 2018-June 2023

• Authorize sheriff to accept “Peacekeeper” armored vehicle, free of charge, through the California Public Safety Procurement Program

• Landfill ad hoc committee recommendation to reduce in-county waste tipping fee rates at the John Smith Road Landfill

• New franchise agreement with Recology for collection of recyclables, organics and solid waste

• Approve the Council of San Benito County Governments “transportation and safety investment plan” as the expenditure plan for a transportation sales and use tax ordinance in the county

• CAO will present recommended budget with budget hearings set for June 25

To read the full agenda or more on specific items, go here.

