37.9 F
San Benito
March 14, 2025

Agenda: City weighs SB-1 projects, roundabouts, Recology fee hike, funding to EDC and chamber

Hollister City Council members will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St. to consider the following:

Combine part-time animal control officers to one role

Staff requests that two of the three part-time animal control assistant positions be changed to one full-time animal control assistant position.

SB-1 Projects

This item will adopt a list of road projects being funded by the Road Repair and Accountability Act, or the gas tax, for 2019-20. The City has been identified to receive $648,885 from SB-1 for fiscal year 2019-20. Overlay projects are planned with the money for Rustic Street south of Maple to north of Santa Ana; McCarthy Street east of Alvarado Street to west of Chappell Road; Fifth Street east of Powell Street to west of Monterey Street; Fifth Street east of College and west of Powell Street; Washington Street south of South Street and north of Hawkins Avenue.

Roundabout policy

The city will consider an interim policy for consideration of roundabouts for intersection control. The proposed interim policy reads as follows:

Interim Policy: The City of Hollister recognizes that roundabouts may calm traffic and may improve the safety of intersections for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles by reducing speed and conflict points. Roundabouts may have the added benefits of improving efficiency of operation of intersections, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from idling and enhancing aesthetics. Roundabouts shall be considered when designing intersections on collectors, on arterials,and in new development projects near schools. It is recognized that roundabouts may not be appropriate in the built environment orat high volume intersections and shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Two optionsfor bicycle travel shall be incorporated into the designof all roundabout concepts, including riding through the roundabout or using on-ramps to sidewalks.

Stop-sign intersections

This Resolution will adopt the all-way stop control warrant analysis prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, and authorize the installation of all-way stop control for the intersection of Ladd Lane and Hillock Drive.

Waste collection fee increase

Staff recommends approval of the issuance of a Proposition 218 notice of the proposed rate increases effective July 1, 2019 and to hold a public hearing for the proposed rate increase 45 days or more after this notice is received by the affected ratepayers. Per the new franchise agreement with Recology, solid waste rates are adjusted on annual basis using a prescribed index-based methodology. The proposed maximum allowable rate adjustment is 4.3%.

Integrated Waste Management events

The City Council will receive a report on upcoming events and programs provided by Integrated Waste Management for the citizens of Hollister. In addition, a short video will be shown on the City’s first certified Green Business Restaurant, Fisher’s.

Upcoming Hollister Recreation events

The City of Hollister’s Recreation Manager Tina Garza will provide a brief report on Treat Streets and other upcoming City of Hollister Recreation Departments program and events.

MOUs for added funding to EDC, Chamber

The city would fund the Economic Development Corp. of San Benito County with $25,500 this fiscal year and $100,000 per year for five years starting in 2019-20. This is to help fund a full-time director, while the county is planning to contribute $100,000 annually as well. A separate proposal calls for funding the chamber at $20,000 this fiscal year and $77,500 per year for five years beginning in 2019-20.

City manager role

The City Council will discuss the recruiting process for the next City Manager. Staff shall be directed to release a request for proposal to executive search firms to assist the Council by providing the most qualified candidates for selection, and reach a decision on the hiring of an interim city manager.

For the full agenda, go here.

