47.9 F
San Benito
October 12, 2024

New food drive launches in San Juan Bautista

A new community food drive is launching in San Juan Bautista as part of a collaborative effort among several local organizations and residents. 

Starting Friday, May 22, the drive-through food drive will take place from 10:30 a.m.-noon in the soccer field parking lot near San Juan School off The Alameda. The program will continue each Friday at the same time during the COVID-19 pandemic as supplies last.

Community partners will distribute boxes with up to four days of food to interested local residents. 

Organizers are requesting residents make a reservation by emailing [email protected] or texting (831) 427-7957 with the following: 

  • First and last name
  • Family size
  • Children’s ages (if any)
  • Car information (make/model/color/license plate number)

As food is distributed, volunteers will implement social distancing guidelines. Organizers ask recipients to wear a mask at all times during the pick-up.

This program is made possible through a partnership involving the City of San Juan Bautista, Community Food Bank of San Benito County, First 5 San Benito, United Way of San Benito County, GoKids Inc., The Family Impact Center Collaborative and San Benito Live. 

Please see the attached postcard for information on how to make a reservation for pickup. Anyone interested in volunteering for the distribution can email or call volunteer coordinator Kollin Kosmicki at [email protected] or (831) 207-9279.

Below is the postcard in English and Spanish containing information on how to make a reservation for the food supplies:

Below is the letter from San Juan Bautista Mayor Mary Vazquez Edge promoting the food drive partnership.

Dear Friends, Families and Partners,

As our community continues to respond to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I wanted to personally reach out to you and inform you of the Food Distribution program to be held at the soccer field in San Juan Bautista.  

Our partners will be distributing food boxes that have up to 4 days’ worth of food, every Friday from 10:30 am – 12 noon.    As we distribute food supplies, we will implement the social distancing guidelines. We ask you to wear a mask at all times during your pick up.   To make your reservation please email [email protected] subject line SJB Food or text SJB FOOD to 831-216-1342 and include your First & Last name, family size, children’s ages, car information(make/model/license plate number/color) Please see the postcard for more information and important follow up details.  

This program is made possible through partnerships with the Community Food Bank of San Benito County, First 5 San Benito, United Way of San Benito County, GoKids Inc and The Family Impact Center Collaborative.  We are dedicated to remaining connected to our families and early childhood education partners and we know that when we are informed it helps to reduce our anxiety and feelings of isolation. We will continue to monitor the progression of the pandemic and to follow the health recommendations of our public health department and government officials. 

Remember that fear, anger, stress and panic all suppress the autoimmune system!  Do the things that strengthen and support your autoimmune system: Get enough sleep, eat well, play, meditate, and put in to practice what keeps you in a state of general well-being.

All of us are happy to make ourselves available to all of you via phone or text. First 5 San Benito has embraced a flexible workplace and culture, and we are well prepared to serve you virtually. We will remain safe, positive, and purposeful.  As we continue to monitor the situation, you can be assured our dedication to our clients and our communities remains unaffected. Thank you for your trust in us, and I wish all the best for the health of you and those you care about.

Mayor Mary Vazquez Edge

Below is the same letter in Spanish:

A medida que nuestra comunidad continúa respondiendo a la propagación del coronavirus (COVID-19), quería comunicarme personalmente con usted e informarle del programa de Distribución de Alimentos que se llevará a cabo en  cancha de futbol.  Nuestros socios distribuirán cajas de alimentos que tienen hasta 4 días de comida, todos los viernes con reservación.  A medida que distribuimos suministros de alimentos, implementaremos la guia de distanciamiento social.  Para hacer su reserva, envíe un correo electrónico  a [email protected] o envíe un mensaje de texto al 831-216-1342 con su nombre y apellidos, tamaño de familia, edades de los niños, información del automóvil (marca/ modelo / número de matrícula / color) Consulte la tarjeta adjunto para saber que se utilizará para transmitir los detalles de seguimiento importantes.   

  Este programa es posible gracias a asociaciones con el Banco de Alimentos Comunitarios del Condado de San Benito, First 5 San Benito, United Way of San Benito County, GoKids Inc y The Family Impact Center Collaborative.  Nos dedicamos a permanecer conectados con nuestras familias y socios de educación en la primera infancia y sabemos que cuando se nos informa, ayuda a reducir nuestra ansiedad y sentimientos de aislamiento. Seguiremos supervisando la progresión de la pandemia y siguiendo las recomendaciones sanitarias de nuestro departamento de salud pública y funcionarios gubernamentales.  

¡Recuerda que el miedo, la ira, el estrés y el pánico suprimen el sistema autoinmune!  Haz las cosas que fortalecen y apoyan tu sistema autoinmune: Duerme lo suficiente, come bien, juega, medita y practica lo que te mantiene en un estado de bienestar general. 

Todos nosotros estamos encantados de ponernos a disposición de todos ustedes por teléfono o texto. First 5 San Benito ha adoptado un lugar de trabajo flexible y cultura, y estamos bien preparados para servirle virtualmente. Permaneceremos seguros, positivos y con propósito.  A medida que continuamos monitoreando la situación, puede estar seguro de que nuestra dedicación a nuestros clientes y nuestras comunidades no se ven afectadas. Gracias por confiar en nosotros, y deseo todo lo mejor por la salud de ustedes y de aquellos que les importan. 


Mayor Mary Vazquez Edge


