90.9 F
San Benito
September 7, 2024

Hollister’s Accelerated Achievement Academy earns prestigious honor

Courtesy of the Hollister School District:

The Hollister School District’s Accelerated Achievement Academy (AAA) has officially been named as a National Blue Ribbon School for 2019.

AAA was recognized as an Exemplary High Performing School as measured by state assessments, nationally normed tests and a rigorous application process.


The coveted National Blue Ribbon Schools award affirms the hard work of Accelerated Achievement Academy educators, families and the Hollister community in creating a safe and welcoming school. AAA students are expected to master challenging state standards and engage in Project-Based Learning.

Board President Steve Kain said: “The Department of Education will honor just over 300 new National Blue Ribbon Schools and AAA is among those selected. I am proud of the work being done by Principal Dr. Scott Wilbur and his amazing teachers.” 

Superintendent Diego Ochoa said: “Less than 1% of all public and private schools are nominated for a National Blue Ribbon Award each year. I am especially proud of the fact that our entire staff worked together to achieve this honor.”

The Department invites National Blue Ribbon School nominations from the top education official in all states.

“We recognize and honor your important work in preparing students for successful careers and meaningful lives,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in a video message to the honorees. “As a National Blue Ribbon School, your school demonstrates what is possible when committed educators hold all students and staff to high standards and create vibrant, innovative cultures of teaching and learning.”

