Hollister City Council members are set to meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St., to consider the following:
Traffic calming on Central Avenue
The council will consider a resolution to approve $42,509 for a traffic calming study on Central Avenue with an educational component.
Sally Street Bicycle Lane
Consider a bicycle lane on Sally Street and approve a supplemental appropriation of $15,304 for traffic engineering services to develop for bicycle lane and traffic calming design on Sally Street between Nash Road and Santa Ana Road.
Third monthly council meeting
The proposal to amend the Hollister Municipal Code to add a third regular meeting each month was withdrawn. Staff was given direction to present a resolution adding a special meeting on the fourth Monday of each month for the next six months.
Rumba Night Club alcohol license
The council should acknowledge receipt of the ABC license review for Rumba Night Club, owned by Gutierrez, Samuel, located at 840 East St., Suite A, in the Agua Azul location.
Downtown event street closures
Approve various temporary street closures in the downtown area for the Hollister Downtown Association for the Certified Farmers Market, the 33rd Anniversary Street Festival and Car Show, and the 29th Annual Lights On Celebration and Parade.
Portable sign
Approve and authorize the supplemental appropriation of $17,800.00from the general fund for purchase of a portable stage for City of Hollister use. It would replace the old stage that is in disrepair, according to the agenda.
Biosolids study
Approve a short-term Biosolids Management Study and appropriate $81,000 from the Sanitation Fund to undertake an evaluation of biosolids management strategies for both ongoing, emergent sludge storage issues as well as long-range approaches for biosolid management at the sewer pond.
Water quality evaluation
Approve Kimley Horn to complete a water quality and operational evaluation of the municipal water system and appropriate $43,000 to pay for this evaluation as required by the State Water Resources Control Board.
Meridian Street Striping Project
Accept the bids received and awarding a contract to Chrisp Company and authorize the City Manager to execute a Contract and Change Orders for the Meridian Street Corridor Striping Project. Two bids were received. The apparent low bid was received from Chrisp Company from Fremont in the amount of $46,565.
Airshow report
Staff will provide a verbal report on the Hollister Airshow from 2010-2016.
Homelessness report
The council will receive an oral report by Enrique Arreola from San Benito County Health and Human Services Department on the progress homelessness issues.
Roundabout policy
The City Council will receive a report on recommended interim policy for inclusion of roundabouts to implement Complete Streets.