41.5 F
San Benito
March 6, 2025

Gavilan President: Optimism, energy on campus

Courtesy of Gavilan College Superintendent/President Dr. Kathleen Rose:

February has arrived with rain and cold that is characteristic of the central coast, making coming to class just a little more of a challenge for our students. We are a commuter college, and although there is a bus service and the ability for the hardy to bike to campus, most drive and it is one more stressor for our students and staff when temperatures dip and the rains are relentless. I am grateful that we have a wide range of services here on campus, including our food pantry, warm buildings with labs, tutoring centers, the Learning Commons, and the Student Center where students can gather and prepare for the day of academic insights ahead with support and sustenance.

Preparation is central to student success, as well as successes in our personal lives . We each have our own way of approaching how we prepare for special events, exams, and our daily lives. Ray Dalio, author of Principles believes that “great expectations create great capabilities” and I certainly agree when it comes to preparing for success in my career. My workday usually begins at 5am with a guided mediation and then my commute has a playlist to prepare me for the day ahead, or a podcast to get my creative brain functioning as I drive to campus. What is your routine before school or work? What do you listen to on your way to your destination? Does it help you to perform optimally during your work/school day? Maybe we should create a college playlist together this spring……

Many have been reflecting to me that it seems that the college is preparing for a great deal of change. It’s true, we are! For the past two years the college has been preparing for the comprehensive accreditation visit that is just a few weeks away. On March 11 th a team made up of college faculty, administration and staff will be on our campus for four days to review the information we submitted in our Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER) and observe our college in action. They will visit classes, sit in on committee meetings, walk around campus, and meet many of you. We have prepared for this visit by living our story together in a continuous culture of change, and working towards increased transparency and communication since the last visit. Please continue to prepare for this important week by reviewing the accreditation website and the one-page information sheet prepared by Denee Pescarmona and the Academic Affairs office.

Other changes we are preparing for include ongoing work in Guided Pathways throughout the college, our upcoming Centennial year, the roll out of the projects supported by Measure X and more. This is an optimistic and energetic time for the college, and there is space for you to add your voice (and your playlist) to the preparations ahead. I look forward to seeing you on campus as warmer days develop in March and our student-centered changes continue.

