28.9 F
San Benito
February 15, 2025

Agenda: Water district to review Pacheco Reservoir expansion

The San Benito County Water District Board of Directors is set to meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday at 30 Mansfield Road to consider the following:

  1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  2. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes to address the Board; rebuttal will be limited to 3 minutes; no new business agenda items will be heard after 8:00 p.m.
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Public Input: Members of the Public are Invited to Speak on any Matter not on the Agenda

(Consent items shall be considered as a whole and without discussion unless a particular item is removed from the consent agenda. Board member may discuss individual items or seek information from staff or legal counsel without removing the item from the Consent Agenda. A member of the public should seek recognition by the President if comment is desired. Approval of consent items shall be made by one motion.)

  1. Approval of Minutes for: October 31, 2018 Regular Meeting
  2. Allowance of Claims
  3. Acknowledgement of Paid Claims prior to the November Board Meeting
  4. State Water Rights Fees

a. Approve Payment of Water Rights Fees Under Protest and Petition for Reconsideration for Zone 6
5. Confirming President changing name of Pacheco Reservoir Exploratory Committee to Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project Committee

6. Committee/Agency Representative Reports:

  1. a)  San Luis Delta Mendota Water Authority (Tobias/Tonascia)
  2. b)  Water Resources Association (Flores/Bettencourt)
  3. c)  Finance Committee (Bettencourt/Tonascia)
7. District Manager/Engineer’s Report:

  1. a)  Reach 1 Operations
  2. b)  Zone 3 Operations
  3. c)  Zone 6 Operations
  4. d)  San Luis Delta Mendota Authority Activities
  5. e)  SGMA Update
  6. f)  Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project
  7. g)  Election Results


  1. Conference with legal counsel—Existing litigation
    Government Code 54956.9(a)
    San Benito County Water District v. Randy McAlpine (CL-13-00437)
  2. OPEN SESSION: Report action, if any
  3. Adjournment

