57 F
San Benito
October 17, 2024

Hollister Veterans Day Parade to salute WWII soldiers

The 17th annual Veterans Day Parade on Sunday in downtown Hollister is a chance to honor all veterans, but the event will put a special spotlight on the few remaining who served during World War II.
This year, San Benito County’s World War II veterans will be honored as grand marshals of the parade. Volunteers with classic cars will provide transportation in the parade for these distinguished honorees, according to an announcement from organizers. Local car clubs will be involved helping to provide the transportation for this year’s parade on San Benito Street.
As time passes, more and more of that era’s veterans have passed on, underscoring the need to give special honors to them.
“That’s why this year it was important for us to make sure these folks are being recognized,” said Frankie Gallagher, the parade chairwoman in her 10th year running the event.
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For Gallagher, it’s particularly meaningful to oversee the event since her husband is a veteran and she has many other family connections to veterans as well.
They serve our country. It’s my honor to be able to serve and honor them,” Gallagher said.
With the parade and crowds continually growing, organizers expect this year’s event to be the biggest one yet. This year, it will have the most entries in its history with 52, she said.
So we’re excited about that,” Gallagher said. “We’re just excited that it gets bigger every year.”
The following are details on the parade as provided by organizers:
Spectators and participants alike will enjoy patriotic floats, classic cars, equestrian units, school groups, emergency agencies, marching bands and much more!
The parade, sponsored by VFW Post 9242, will be held as the finale for Veterans Day activities on Sunday, November 11, 2018. The parade starts at 1:30 pm and the parade route runs through downtown Hollister.
Other activities for the day that will take place at the Veteran’s Memorial Building are:
10:00 am: Veterans Benefit Fair
10:30 am: Banner Presentations
11:00 am: Memorial Ceremony
12:00 noon: BBQ Lunch
The banner presentations feature installing banners on the light post in the Veteran’s Memorial Building Plaza and along San Benito Street that individually honor our local active duty military personnel.   The banners will remain in place until the service member is deactivated.
For more information contact Gallagher at (831) 638-6434.

