39.2 F
San Benito
January 15, 2025

Youth Alliance appeals for expanded mental health services

During what’s called a “Week of Action,” the Youth Alliance is encouraging local residents to speak out at the county board meeting Tuesday to encourage expanding access to youth mental health services locally.
According to a letter sent out by Diane Ortiz, the Youth Alliance executive director:
This Tuesday at 9 a.m., Youth Alliance, parents, and local advocates will attend the Board of Supervisors meeting to ask for support for our youth and students. As a champion for youth, I invite you to stand with us or provide a 3-minute public comment about the critical needs for children, youth, and families!
We are asking the Board for leadership not excuses to work towards a solution to expand access to children and youth mental health services. Will they create a taskforce to work on a countywide plan to address this issue?
In SBC, there are 1080 residents for every 1 mental health provider (more than double the need than in all of CA). The Behavioral Health Dept has a staff vacancy rate of close to 50% resulting in an average wait time of 3 months to see a therapist. In 2016, the Grand Jury listed mental health access as a priority need in SBC. And yet, nothing has been done to work towards a solution. This is NOT acceptable and it puts our kids and families at unnecessary risk and suffering.
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors just championed and approved the construction of a multi-million dollar youth psychiatric facility. Santa Cruz County Supervisors have put a measure on the ballot. What will SBC do?
Please feel free to forward this flyer and or contact me, Jeanette ([email protected]), or Eddy ([email protected]) if there are any questions.
Please stand with us as we lift up children and youth issues!
When and Where:
On Tuesday, October 23 at 9:00 am sharp at the San Benito County Board of Supervisors County Administration Building located at 481 4th Street in Hollister.
Many of our youth, parents and other stakeholders have said that there is a critical need for:

  • Training for all services and responders about the impacts of Trauma and using a Trauma Informed Response
  • More access to Behavioral and Mental health services that are easy to access both in the community, schools, and at the Behavioral Health Department.
  • Stop punishing behaviors that are symptoms of trauma
  • Crisis Response for children and youth that does not rely only on law enforcement but incorporates social workers

You are encouraged to highlight any of the services or needs that you have seen or continue to see. (In English or Spanish!)


