46.8 F
San Benito
April 28, 2024

With roadwork under budget, city considers more streets

Hollister’s busy summer roadwork schedule is winding down, while city officials this week reported that the projects are coming in under budget and there might be an additional street repaired due to it.

Hollister City Manager at Tuesday’s council meeting told officials the $3.3 million summer roadwork project is wrapping up ahead of the expected early October completion. He thanked residents for “putting up” with the related detours on local streets and informed council members about the work coming in under budget.

“We have a little bit of money that is left over,” Avera said.

He said city officials are talking about doing another street before the contractor leaves and they have narrowed it to two to three roads that need work as shown on the “pavement condition index” used to prioritize street work. He didn’t mention specific streets under consideration.

“As soon as we narrow that down and get a price with them, we will let you know,” he said Tuesday.

To contact council members, go here.

Below, see related graphics:

Street work schedule

