67.9 F
San Benito
May 2, 2024

Council to weigh fire deal, roundabout at Ladd Lane and Tres Pinos Road

Hollister council members at a meeting next week will review whether to allocate $1.5 million for a “Safe Routes to Schools” grant in light of the cost and expected blow-back over a planned roundabout at Ladd Lane and Tres Pinos Road.

With the “safe routes” funding, the council OK’d the grant application in June for the California Transportation Cycle 4 Active Transportation Program. The city submitted the grant July 31. But before it’s scored, staff wanted to make sure council members are OK with the cost for the match of $1.5 million along with possible opposition of a roundabout at Ladd Lane and Tres Pinos Road that’s in the plans.

The project calls for “complete streets improvements” to Nash, Tres Pinos and Sunnyslope Road. That includes the planned roundabout at Tres Pinos Road, Rancho Drive and Ladd Lane, according to the agenda. The total cost for the projects is $4.4 million, while the city would contribute an additional $1.5 million match to go with $700,000 in traffic impact fees and $151,000 in prior expenses on it.

The city received a letter of opposition from property owners and businesses in the shopping center at 550 Tres Pinos Road that’s included in the agenda.

Additionally at the 6 p.m. Monday meeting, council members will consider the fire contract with San Juan Bautista and the county.

According to the detailed agenda summary available on the city’s website:

“The contracts are set to expire in October, 2018, for the City of Hollister to continue to provide fire protection services to both agencies. However, there is a provision that states that the contracts will go month to month until another arrangement has been obtained.

“At this time, the final contracts have not been completed ,although, the goal is to have the City Council approve the contracts at the regular meeting on September 4, 2018.

“In summary, the new contracts will have a term of seven (7) years with three (3) one year options for a total of 10 years. The annual payment will be established for each agency so there are no unforeseen costs. The City will be purchasing their own equipment to provide this service to the agencies.

“Special terms for the County of San Benito will primarily be the provision of Fire Station 3.

“Special terms for the City of San Juan Bautista will include the lease of Fire Station #4 and the use of the City of San Juan Bautista’s heavy equipment mechanic, when available.

“Staff recommends the Council receive the oral report from staff and provide any direction necessary.”

As for the entire agenda, Hollister City Council members will consider the following at the meeting set for Hollister City Hall, 375 Fifth St.:

Police Department Facility Enhancements

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Staff has asked Smart Watt to provide the City with preliminary estimates on cost associated with providing some electrical upgrades to the Police Station. Since the building is now 25 years old and it is a 24 hour 7 day a week operation, the expenditures for electricity is significant. Staff has been seeking solutions that entail new controllers for the HVAC, new lighting and solar panels to be placed in the parking lots to reduce this expense. Council will receive a report from Staff and Smart Watt on possible projects.

RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and presentation from staff and Smart Watt.

City treasurer certification

Certification that there are not more candidates than the office to be elected for the office of City Treasurer in the November 6, 2018, General Municipal Election

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Pursuant to Elections Code section 10229, the Elections Official shall certify that there are not more candidates than the office to be elected for the office of City Treasurer in the November 6, 2018, General Municipal Election.

RECOMMENDATION: That City Council receives this information.

Fire Contracts with San Benito County and City of San Juan Bautista

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The City of Hollister Fire Department currently is under contract to provide fire protection services for both the City of San Juan Bautista and the County of San Benito. The contracts expire in October 2018, and it is the desire of all agencies to have a new contract in place prior to that time. Staff will present some proposed terms of the new agreements for both agencies.

RECOMMENDATION: Receive report and provide direction.

Report on the potential negotiations for the buyout of the 2010 Solar PV Power Purchase Agreement Contract with Clear SpotEnergy at the Waste Water Reclamation Facility

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The City Council will receive a report from Sage Renewables regarding the Power Purchase Agreement Contract with Clear SpotEnergy at the Waste Water Reclamation Facility.

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report and provide direction to staff.

Report regarding the City of Hollister Application for Cycle 4 Active Transportation Funds for ‘Safe Routes to School on a Multi-use Corridor’

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Report regarding the City of Hollister Application for Cycle 4 Active Transportation Funds for ‘Safe Routes to School on a Multi- use Corridor’.

RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council receive the report from staff and provide direction on whether or not to allocate $1,515,000 of general funds for the project or to direct staff to withdraw the grant application before it is scored.

Photo caption: Roundabout image courtesy of the City of Hollister

Agenda summary by Kollin Kosmicki

