The following is the “From the Office of the President” column from Dr. Kathleen Rose, president/superintendent of Gavilan College:
The back to school season is upon us with the final few weeks before the Fall 2018 semester begins on August 27th. If you have been hesitating about what courses to take, when to take them, what major to select, what career path to take…now is the time to act. There are more benefits and opportunities available to you at Gavilan than you can imagine, but never more than you can dream. Whether you take a class online, face to face, noncredit or through community education, the fall semester is the traditional entry to higher education. Community colleges like ours are where your dreams take form and explorations into a powerful new future begin.
Students this year will be hearing a lot about Guided Pathways, Meta Majors and the College Promise programs throughout the state and here at Gavilan. These are programs designed with academic success in mind, focused majors with academic support services throughout your time here with launch points to industry partnerships and transfer opportunities. We have 23 ADT programs (Associate Degrees for Transfer) that provide a direct link to the CSU system, but now there is even a greater layer of support for all pathways to your success, no matter the goal. Please check in with a member of our counseling staff to develop your education plan today.
Also come by the Office of Academic Affairs and meet our new Vice President of Academic Affairs Denee Pescarmona, who began on July 16th. Denee was formerly at the College of the Canyons and was a faculty member in the English department as well as the Dean of Instruction, responsible for many aspects of student achievement, assessment, and success. We are thrilled to have Denee here and know she will be an exceptional addition to the Gavilan family.
Finally, our Coffee and Conversations begin throughout the district starting August 25th. For the third year, I will be traveling most Saturdays through October to local coffee shops to visit with the community, talking education and topics important in the life of the college. There’s a lot to talk about! Our education and facilities master plan, our general obligation bond, the growth of the district, our fantastic students and our athletic programs…and more.
So remember, sign up for classes, or add a class, or tell your neighbors about your classes at Gavilan. Be proud of your commitment to your educational pathway and experience your dreams take form. I’ll be sure to watch as well!