47.9 F
San Benito
October 17, 2024

Candidate Profile: Loe touts ‘background’ in run for board

Pat Loe noted how she’s been in Hollister since the 1960s and said she loves the community.
“I try to do the everything I can to make this the best community we can possibly have to live in,” she said.
Loe, Hollister schools Trustee Peter Hernandez and Hollister Parks & Recreation Commissioner Richard Perez are running in the June 5 primary for the District 3 county supervisor seat held by Robert Rivas, who is running for State Assembly. District 3 covers south-central Hollister.
Loe was the county supervisor in District 3 for eight years before losing the race to Rivas two terms ago. She mentioned her background of being the first woman mayor of Hollister and first female councilperson in Hollister as part of her extensive background.
“I’ve been on the (county) planning commission for 15 years and so I have a huge background on what happens in this community,” she said. “I understand local government. I understand the budgeting process. And I understand the county, how all the different departments work together to make this the community we want to live in.”
As for motivation, Loe said San Benito County is “at a crossroads” coming out of the Great Recession.
“I’d like to help us get back on solid footing,” she said. “This time around, I think it’s really extremely important to start working with Santa Clara County and try and bring business down here. We’ve talked about that for years and it’s just never happened. It’s just time we step up and we start working with the other elected officials and make it happen.”
She pointed out how Measure A many years ago brought millions of dollars in tax revenue into the county and how she was the co-chair of the committee behind it.
“I think our roads now and our street systems really need an update,” she said. “So that’s one of my big issues, getting the potholes taken care of and updating the road system. The other issue I think we can’t ignore, and it’s always been an issue, is growth.”
She alluded to a proposed development along Highway 25 that could result in nearly 7,000 new homes.
“With my background, I think I’m the best person to be sitting there and working through the process,” she said.
She also mentioned how the wine industry is “starting to bloom” and that she wants to encourage business growth.
– Story by Kollin Kosmicki
Candidate Resume
Name: Pat Loe
Age: 71
Career: Businesswoman
Political experience: County supervisor from 2002-2010, Hollister councilwoman in mid-70s
For a profile on opponent Richard Perez, see below:
For a profile on opponent Peter Hernandez, see below:

