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March 14, 2025

Monthly Archives: February 2019

Video: Cosio accepts Ambassador of the Year honor

The San Benito County Chamber of Commerce held its 98th annual Awards Dinner Dance on Saturday. The event features awards for man, woman, ambassador...

Video: Scenes from 98th Chamber Awards Dinner

The San Benito County Chamber of Commerce held its 98th annual Awards Dinner Dance on Saturday. The event features awards for man, woman and...

HPD requests help ID’ing gas station robbery suspect

Courtesy of the Hollister Police Department: The Hollister Police Department is seeking help identifying a male who robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. At about...

Hollister Exchange Club to host Crab Crack fundraiser

The Hollister Exchange Club is hosting the 31st annual Crab Crack & Dinner Dance on March 16 at the Bolado Park Pavilion, 9000 Airline...

Agenda: Planners take up Orchard Road transplant nursery

San Benito County Planning Commissioners on Wednesday will resume consideration of a proposal for a large vegetable transplant nursery on Orchard Road. San Benito...

Gavilan launches website dedicated to Measure X

Courtesy of Gavilan College: Gavilan College is pleased to announce the launch of Gavilan College’s new website dedicated to Measure X – GavilanMeasureX.org. This...

More than 1,000 art pieces were on display at Arts Showcase

Courtesy of the San Benito County Office of Education: The San Benito County Office of Education, in collaboration with the San Benito Arts Council,...

Panetta named assistant whip in Congress

Courtesy of Congressman Jimmy Panetta's Office: Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) announced today that he has been appointed to serve as an Assistant Whip for...

Agenda: San Juan to consider fire contract, block party

The San Juan Bautista City Council is scheduled to meet Tuesday night and will consider the following: Adopt Ordinance 2019-01 Adding Chapter 5.32 “Cannabis...

San Benito teams make CCS appearances

Courtesy of San Benito High School: WrestlingBaler boys' wrestling finished in 8th place as a team at the CCS championships, with Top 6 finishes...